supporting serivces with strategic and operational consultancy
Per visit onsite (up to 4 hours)
Per hour - telephone or video call
Remote audit of up to 3 care and support plans
Report provided within 72 hours
Per care and support plan created for individual resident
supporting serivces with management cover
Per week (travel/accommodation costs to be agreed separately)
supporting serivces to identify their strengths and areas for development
One day onsite
Report completed within 48 hours
Can include: Development Plans; Planned Care and SuppoRT; Meaningful Connections; Infection Prevention and Control; Medication Systems and Recording; Accidents/Incidents; Staff Recruitment and Retention; Resident Finances; Complaints Review; Physical Environments; Maintenance Records; Falls; Care and Support Plans; Management oversight.
One visit onsite (upto 4 hours)
Report completed within 48 hours
Creating effective development plans requires a strategic and well-structured approach. By identifying specific areas for improvement, setting clear and measurable objectives, and involving the team in planning and implementation, we can enhance the quality of care provided. Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure that progress is on track and any necessary adjustments are made.
Two - Three days onsite
Report completed within 72 hours
The primary objectives of a mock inspection include:
Assessment of Care Standards
Identification of Areas for Improvement
Staff Training and Development Preparation for Official Inspections
The process typically involves reviewing documentation, observing care practices, speaking with staff and clients, assessing the physical environment if appropriate, before providing a detailed report.
One visit onsite (upto 4 hours)
Report completed within 48 hours
Where specific aspects of service improvement are necessary, an action plan can be created to detail the steps required to achieve the development and improvement.
Per visit onsite (up to 4 hours)
Support concludes onsite
Where an inspection results in requirements being identified, or there is a risk of enforcement action, registered managers often need some additional input to achieve the rapid improvement in standards. Support can be tailored to specific service needs when such situations occur.
supporting services to develop their staffing and leadership
1.0 hour remote meeting
Summary provided within 24 hours
1.0 hour remote meeting
Agreed actions provided within 24 hours
1.0 hour remote meeting
Summary provided within 24 hours
Per each day training onsite for up to 6 participants
Evaluation provided within 72 hours
our training services focus on how you can add value to your service through the learning and development of your staffing and management resources. we dont provide the standard mandatory courses, as there are several good training providers who can deliver this.
1.0 hour remote meeting
Summary provided within 24 hours
Per each day training onsite for up to 6 participants
Evaluation provided within 72 hours
support available on an ad hoc basis
Up to 4 hours onsite
Report within 24 hours
Up to 60 mins telephone or video call
Summary provided by end of day
Per day onsite
Up to 60 mins telephone or video call
Summary provided by end of day
Services often have specific needs which can be accommodated through discussion, planning and requirements agreed. Please ask about how we can best support your service.
All prices subject to VAT and travel costs beyond 20 miles of Glasgow city centre
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